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Upcoming Events

We would love for you to join us at an upcoming event. This is a great way to connect and gather together. For a more detailed list of events, contact our office to sign up for weekly emails!

Wednesday, March 5th

Ash Wednesday Service

On this Ash Wednesday, we join Jesus as he “sets his face toward Jerusalem.” As Jesus makes his way toward Jerusalem, he is approached by people from local towns who promise to follow him. Jesus’ response is harsh, but urgent. He needs real commitment. He needs disciples who are willing to be rejected and persecuted - and who will embody hope, compassion, and peace along the way. It becomes apparent that these potential disciples aren’t quite ready for the task at hand. And so, as Lent begins, let us also ask ourselves: are we ready? Are we willing to be transformed? Will our actions reflect our best intentions? Join us for prayer, reflection, and the imposition of ashes at 7pm.


Sunday, March 9th

Forum: Open & Affirming: Nearly 30 Years, What’s Next?

A coalition of open and affirming congregations in Duluth is gathering to build energy around support for the LGBTQ+ community in the wake of recent legislation and anticipated threats. Peace UCC began conversations around the O&A process in 1995 and took our affirmative vote in 1997. The fight looks different, but our role in it hasn’t changed: proclaiming love, justice, safety, and hope to all people of every gender identity and sexual orientation. Come to discuss what the future holds for us in our O&A work. 9:30am in the Fireside Room.


Sunday, March 16th

Forum: Prayer Chain

This adult forum will explore ways to pray and intercede for the needs happening around us. Come share your insights and consider different ways prayer connects us to one another and God. 9:30am in the Fireside Room.​


Sunday, March 23rd

Forum: Peace Church Speed Friending!

After our first round of 1:1 conversations, we are eager for a chance to connect with one another. Come for 4 10-minute conversations (a little less speedy than typical!) with fellow churchgoers, organized around questions to help you build trust and get to know each other. 9:30am in the Fireside Room.


Sunday, March 30th

Forum: Braver Angels

Braver Angels is a volunteer lead organization founded in 2016 and devoted to supporting bipartisan conversations that lead the participants to deeper understandings of each other. During the March 30th forum, Mary Adams and Alan Finifrack, members of a local Braver Angel's Alliance, will outline the various workshops, forums, and projects that Braver Angels provides and engages in to meet their mission. 9:30am in the Fireside Room.​


Sunday, April 13th

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13th, 8:30am and 10:30am

Jesus doesn’t instigate his own parade. Instead, just his quiet presence alone inspires the multitude to shout out and praise God. When the religious leaders try to silence the crowd, Jesus tells them that the noise level isn’t the point - even the stones would cry out if they were silent. It takes wisdom to know when our voice is needed and when it’s just noise. Join us for a worship service that is both loud and reflective, with palms at both services.


Thursday, April 17th

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 17th, 7pm

In his final hours, Jesus redefines power through acts of humility, including sharing a final meal with his closest friends and those who will soon betray him. After breaking bread, the disciples argue about who is the greatest, but Jesus tells them that the greatest must be the least and the leader must be the servant, turning their hierarchy on its head. According to Jesus, humility is powerful, and real power is shown through humility. This service will look a little different than years past, as we gather around tables for handwashing and a more robust communion meal.


Friday, April 18th

Good Friday

Friday, April 18th, 7pm at Pilgrim Congregational Church, 2310 E 4th St
We will celebrate a collaborative Good Friday service with our friends from Pilgrim Congregational Church and Glen Avon Presbyterian Church.


Saturday, April 19th

Beach Vigil

Saturday, April 19th, 5pm at Park Point

Come join us for an Easter Eve beach service on Park Point. We'll gather at the Tot Lot beach area. Enjoy a bonfire - there's usually 15-20 of us, all ages welcome. Singing, scripture, prayer, communion. After the service, we roast marshmallows and eat s'mores.


Sunday, April 20th

Easter Sunday

Worship Sunday, April 20th, 8:30am and 10:30am.
Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt, 9:30am.

Grief is a healthy response to Jesus’ death and a valid way to enter worship on Easter morning. And yet, the women at the empty tomb are given hope amidst their mourning. The other disciples don’t believe the women’s message, but Peter, living in the in-between of grief and hope, runs to the tomb to see for himself. Grieving doesn’t have to make us hopeless. Hope can compel us to take action when we are deep in grief. Celebrate the hope and promise of the resurrection with us on Easter morning, and join us for a breakfast and Easter egg hunt between services!


Friday, May 16th

Silent Auction "Uplifting Peace - Mission Possible!"

There’s a new and fun event coming to Peace on Friday, May 16th from 6:30-8:30pm. We are holding a Silent Auction “Uplifting Peace - Mission Possible!” to raise funds to fulfill our mission giving to organizations like CHUM, Damiano, and Bob Tavani House. One exciting offer so far - A Dinner Cruise for 6 on Lake Superior. We’re also looking for more donation items from Peace members and friends at this time. More information on auction items can be found at the church and in our weekly emails and Peace Bells!


Weekly Wednesday Meals & Programs

Join us Wednesday nights for Community Meals in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level and our revamped faith formation programming!


A simple dinner is from 5-5:30pm. Activities after dinner include nursery care and elementary age Kids Clubs, Middle School Youth Group, High School Youth Group, and Confirmation 1 & 2 Classes. Contact us for more information on youth programs! There will also be opportunities for expanded faith formation for adults, as well as Bible Study and Choir.


Please check our homepage for the current weekly Wednesday schedule!


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